LifePath Introduces New HomeShare Program

LifePath is launching a new program this fall called “LifePath HomeShare.” Home sharing is about taking care of one another and believing that we all are better together. It is a commitment to valuing human connection and providing a better quality of life for all individuals.

The Pew Research Center reports, “In Massachusetts, the state’s population of people aged 65 and older will rise by 46% between 2016 and 2035. Just over 41% of older adults do not have a spouse or partner; all other age groups are experiencing an increase in living ‘unpartnered.’”

Housing costs have never been higher. Every generation is feeling the sting of increased housing costs and a shortage of safe, secure, and affordable housing. According to a 2018 Harvard Medical School study, “Americans want to age in place. AARP research finds that nine out of ten people ages sixty-five or older want to stay in their homes in later years.”

In an effort to combat a severe housing crisis for all generations, organizations are trying to create novel solutions to provide additional affordable housing to low-income populations and to create communities that are livable for all ages. A 2019 AARP article reports, “For the first time, the number of older adults is expected to be higher than that of children by 2035. Furthermore, there is an increasing number of single households and single parents compared to the 1950s. The U.S demographics are changing.”

There are noteworthy barriers for many older adults to remain in their homes, including isolation and loneliness, financial hardship, difficulty with personal care, challenges with maintaining a home, and being able to find reliable and economical transportation. Home sharing is one creative option to address these issues and honor the desire of older adult homeowners to remain living in their homes.

LifePath HomeShare is a program where two or more people share a home and expenses to their mutual benefit. No two HomeShare agreements will be the same. Each individual’s needs and circumstances are considered and every agreement is tailored to the specific needs of the participants in the program.

Home sharing is for individuals of all ages, incomes, and abilities. Home Sharers must be 60 years or older, or an adult with a disability. Home Seekers could be anyone over the age of 18. Many individuals who are students, part-time workers, or retirees would greatly benefit from the HomeShare opportunity in regard to reducing housing expenses and enjoying a meaningful connection with a cohesive and responsive community.

Affordable Living for the Aging (ALA) recognizes that “House sharing has been seen as an opportunity to utilize extra rooms in existing homes owned by seniors in order to help other citizens, such as students or working-age groups, while also providing extra income for homeowners and helping seniors live longer in their homes.”

The Home Sharer offers a safe and sanitary private bedroom and shared communal areas such as a kitchen, a full bathroom, living and eating areas, and a yard; in exchange for rent, help around the house, or a combination of the two.

There are three types of home sharing opportunities.

Rent Only—No Routine Tasks Provided

There will not be any specific services outlined in the match agreement. The Home Seeker will pay the home provider monthly rent in exchange for housing. Rent can vary on a case-by-case basis. The benefits for the Home Sharer will be companionship and peace of mind.

Reduced Rent—Some Tasks Provided

There will be specific services outlined in the match agreement prior to a permanent match. The Home Seeker can provide a predetermined amount of service a week, plus pay a small rent and/or help with utility bills.

No Rent—All Service

There will be specific services outlined in the match agreement prior to a permanent match. The HomeShare participants will negotiate their match so that the amount of services provided will equal the cost of the rented room.

Each match can choose from an array of services, such as pet care, laundry, housekeeping, grocery shopping, yard maintenance, personal care tasks, preparing meals, snow/trash removal, support using the telephone and/or computer, and transportation for doctor’s visits and errands. If you would like a service that isn’t listed, please notify the LifePath worker and we can explore adding your specific need to the list. This program is intended to be consumer driven and unique to each specific match arrangement.

To participate in the LifePath HomeShare Program, home sharers must be located in the LifePath service area of Franklin County and North Quabbin. There will be priority given to the residents of Orange and Montague.

All participants will need to provide 3 character references and partake in several security checks to ensure the safest possible match arrangement. Home Seekers will be asked to provide 1 reference who is a landlord. Please note that LifePath HomeShare is not a program for emergency housing needs.

LifePath is also creating a “Do It Yourself” HomeShare Guide to assist our community members with finding their own HomeShare partners. This guide will outline the HomeShare process and all of the steps required to make a successful and lasting match.

For further questions, please contact the LifePath Information & Caregiver Resource Center (ICRC) at 413-773-5555, Ext. 1230, or email