Linda Ackerman and Marsha Stone: Making a Difference as Money Management Volunteers

Photo of Marsha Stone
Marsha Stone, Money Management volunteer

Marsha Stone had a desire to help people stay in their homes as long as possible. So when she read an article in The Recorder about the Money Management program, she decided to pick up the phone and make a difference.

Marsha moved with her husband to Greenfield 11 years ago. Marsha says that since then “I consider myself semi-retired, as I’ve had various jobs since arriving and will be again working for the Census. I’ve been a nurse for over fifty years and have had many nursing jobs throughout the years.”

Photo of Linda Ackerman, Money Management Volunteer
Linda Ackerman, Money Management volunteer

Linda Ackerman, an Assistant Vice President and Branch Manager at the Turners Falls office of Greenfield Savings Bank, is a Montague native and resides in Montague Center. She has been involved with LifePath for over 20 years, beginning with the Meals on Wheels Walkathon. She began volunteering as an Ombudsman but considered it a natural fit to become a Money Management volunteer as well.

Money Management is a program that matches someone in the community who meets the requirements of our program with a volunteer who’s been trained to go in and help the individual remain, a lot of times, in their home.

The Money Management program is for individuals 60 or over or for individuals with a disability who are having trouble balancing a checkbook, managing a budget, or sorting out bills.

“Money Management is a program that matches someone in the community who meets the requirements of our program with a volunteer who’s been trained to go in and help the individual remain, a lot of times, in their home,” explains Ceil Moran, Money Management Program Director at LifePath. “Someone could be losing their sight, someone could be just having some memory problems or confusion or could just need help organizing bills, sorting through mail that comes in, and writing checks. We assign a trained volunteer to work with them.”

Marsha has been working with one Money Management client for the last 6 years. Marsha helps this client with problem solving and speaking to people on her behalf to clear up billing issues. According to Marsha, “Being a Money Manager has its rewards and many challenges as well. It is an important and appreciated service that we provide for our community members who are unable to handle their finances. Also, many clients look forward to the visits, conversing and sharing stories.”

Linda has worked with 3 Money Management clients over the last 3 years. She states, “My favorite part of the role is getting to know the clients on a personal basis and providing a level of financial independence and stability. For someone with a little bit of free time once a month, the Money Management program is certainly a worthwhile time well spent!”

If you are interested in making a difference like Linda and Marsha by volunteering for the Money Management program, please contact Ceil Moran, Money Management Program Director, by calling 413-773-5555, ext. 2329; 978-544-2259, ext. 2329; or by emailing