Seniorgram: Solidarity Statement

LifePath lifts its voice in concert with the voices speaking out against institutionalized racism. We strive to be heard in a new way in our own community, joining others across our nation. We cannot remain silent while the evidence and terrible consequences of racism continue to amass.

Today, as leaders in our community, we acknowledge these realities:

The current systems of power in our country were designed to preserve and nurture privileges for white people and leave black people with significantly less opportunity and freedom. The destructive impact of white supremacy, dominance, and privilege exists and is prevalent. The effects range from lack of financial and educational opportunities, to violence, imprisonment, and loss of life. Racism touches all institutions, including ours, and we commit to taking an active role in dismantling it.

The destructive impact of white supremacy, dominance, and privilege exists and is prevalent.

This system creates health inequities, in which black people experience worse health outcomes than their white counterparts. Our role in supporting wellbeing, independence, and dignity requires us to work directly to solve health inequities, which means working against racism. We will continue to focus on creating an inclusive and fair system of long-term services and supports, and to be an employer whose practices enable equal opportunity for all.

Working against racism and solving these issues requires a seismic shift in the approaches long taken by local and national leadership within municipalities, law enforcement, schools, hospitals, businesses, and non-profit organizations. This moment presents a tremendous opportunity to educate and capitalize on the love, trust, concern, and common ground that exists in our community to learn and make significant changes that address systemic racism. We want to make our community better, not just for those who have directly experienced the horrific effects of racism, but for everyone.

Please join us with a spirit of hope as we move forward with actions to attend to this difficult work. Getting results will not be quick or easy, but, together with your support, we will succeed and make our community stronger.