How LifePath’s Information and Caregiver Resource Center Can Help

The Information and Caregiver Resource Center (ICRC), known as the hub of the agency, has expanded the assistance available to help individuals find the resources they need to live independently and thrive in their communities.
Information and Referral
It all starts with a phone call or email inquiry to one of our Resource Consultants, who are available Monday through Friday, 9 AM – 5 PM, to answer questions or inquiries from callers about LifePath services and other resources available in the community. We average 500 calls per month. Often it can be daunting to navigate this process, not understanding which services would be more beneficial. In most cases, one individual can benefit from multiple programs that LifePath offers. The first step is to call LifePath at 413-773-5555 and ask to speak with a Resource Consultant, or to email Many people are not aware that they can make referrals directly from our website as well.
Options Counseling
Often, many individuals would like to have more conversations about services and what options would be available for them. Our Options Counselors are able to assist individuals with a disability of any age. This is a short-term, free service that connects individuals to internal and external resources. An options counseling session is available by phone, in person, or by video.
Family Caregiver Program
We are seeing more individuals stepping into caregiver roles. The Family Caregiver Program is an option for supporting the caregiver in their role. Our Caregiver Specialists are able to provide assistance to caregivers who live in Franklin County or the North Quabbin Area, or out of state as long as their loved one lives in Franklin County or the North Quabbin Area. This is a free service to provide assistance to caregivers of any age. This, too, could be in person, by phone, or by video. We are also able to provide respite scholarships to caregivers who are in need of respite. This could include a membership to the gym, a gift certificate for massages, or assisting in paying for care while the caregiver runs errands or takes a vacation.
Community Transition Liaison Program
In 2023, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Aging & Independence created a new program targeted to assist individuals who are living in a nursing facility transition home. The goal of the Community Transition Liaison Program is to meet with clients who express interest in returning home, and assist with this complex transition. This is a free service, available to individuals with disabilities aged 22 years and older, which can follow the person until they leave the facility and are back in a community setting. The Community Transition Liaison works in collaboration with families, social workers, community partners, and other employees at LifePath to help carry out the client’s goal to return to the community.
Benefits Enrollment Program
With a new grant award, LifePath recently added a Benefit Enrollment Program. Our Benefit Support Specialists are able to help with those tricky applications—including applying for Masshealth, the Medicare Savings Program, SNAP, or LIHEAP. We are available to assist in both Franklin and Hampshire County as well as the North Quabbin area. We can meet with people in their homes, at senior centers, and at libraries or other community settings, as well as offer assistance virtually.
Reach out today by calling 413-773-5555, or emailing, to learn more about the many ways we can help!