Move, Mood, Attitude: Gear Up for LifePath’s 31st Walkathon

Most of us aspire to maintain healthy well-being and to age comfortably in the place we call home. To this end, the theme for this year’s annual Walkathon is “The Path for Life.” The event aims to promote the benefits of physical activity and secure the generosity of this community.

This fun-filled gathering of walking and festivities is scheduled for Saturday, May 6, outside LifePath’s office at 101 Munson Street in Greenfield. Mailings with more information will be sent to businesses, team members, community partners, and donors.

Want to get a jump start? Coach Carter shares these tips and insights with the underlying mantra “Move, Mood, Attitude”:

My Pa always said, “If you don’t use it, you will lose it.” If you are already active, keep your body in motion. Not active enough? Take small steps to incorporate more movement into your day. Movement not only helps your physical fitness, but improves mental health, as well. When you are healthy, you have the ability to assist others in maintaining and enhancing their level of health, too. Consider these key tips:

  • Move a muscle, change a thought. Walking is a great way to start on a path to better overall wellness. Ask a friend to join you!
  • Challenge yourself to be more active in your daily living. Take a few minutes to stretch or put on your favorite music and dance!
  • Make note of your attitude on any given day. It is a known fact that smiling is not only contagious, but also prompts your brain to release “happy hormones.” Work out those mouth muscles!

I challenge you to increase your physical activity for a month and evaluate your attitude. I am confident your mood will be lighter, you’ll feel more positive, and you will have more energy.

As you gear up to get active and commit to participating in LifePath’s 31st Walkathon, watch for event-related material and social media activity. Or find details about the 2023 Walkathon by visiting LifePath’s website. Updates to the webpage will be ongoing.

On your mark, get set, MOVE!