Doing Business with Us

Requests for proposals and grant opportunities.

LifePath engages with vendors and subcontractors for various services.

Age & Dementia-Friendly Community Grants

Age & Dementia-Friendly Community Grants fund projects that enhance the capacity of Franklin County and North Quabbin communities to be welcoming, accessible, and equitable places for people of all ages. Grants address systemic inequities and improve key aspects of community life, including outdoor spaces, housing, transportation, and social inclusion.

Eligible applicants include towns, libraries, Councils on Aging, Village organizations, Senior Centers, businesses, and other for-profit and non-profit organizations in the region. Successful proposals align with the Age & Dementia-Friendly Action Plan, demonstrate measurable impact on at least one of the eight domains of livability, and engage older adults—including those with dementia and caregivers—in meaningful ways.

More details, including eligibility criteria, application guidelines, and funding priorities, will be available when the Request for Proposals (RFP) is released, anticipated to be during the winter of 2025-2026. Check this page for the latest updates on the Community Grant program, and be sure to check out the Age & Dementia-Friendly Franklin County website and sign up for our newsletter.

Home Care Program Procurement

LifePath contracts with the The Executive Office of Aging & Independence (AGE) to administer the Home Care program and provide home and community-based services for persons 60 or older residing in our catchment area.  LifePath utilizes vendor contracts to deliver services to Home Care program consumers.  AGE determines the type of services that can be contracted and provided for Home Care consumers.  

The Home Care Program procurement process occurs once every three years. The next Request for Proposals (RFP) process will open in 2027 for contracts beginning on October 1, 2027 and effective until September 30, 2030.  LifePath can take on vendors outside of this cycle on a case-by-case basis if there is an identified need.  

All prospective vendors must register in the State’s Provider Contracting Management System (PCMS) and complete an Administrative Overview to be considered for a contract.  

If your agency provides Personal Care/Homemaking services, the State requires an additional approval process before you can contract with an ASAP.  

All contract requirements, regulations, and guidelines can be found here.

Any questions after review of the resources can be directed to .

Older Americans Act Services

As the Area Agency on Aging for Franklin County and the North Quabbin, LifePath is responsible for procuring Older Americans Act services for this region. Our next Request for Proposal (RFP) process will open in April 2026 for contracts beginning on October 1, 2026 and effective until September 30, 2027 with a one-year renewal possible.

  • Title III B: Supportive services for people aged 60 and up
  • Title III D: Evidence-based programs for people aged 60 and up
  • Title III E: Caregiver services for people aged 55 and up

Church Street Home Fund Services

LifePath was selected by the Community Foundation of Western Mass to administer grants from the endowment of the former Church Street Home of Greenfield. Grant funding is available for senior centers and home repair programs. Our next Request for Proposal (RFP) process will open in April 2026 for contracts beginning on October 1, 2026 and effective until September 30, 2027, with a one-year renewal possible.

Contact us to be notified when requests for proposals are released.