Doing Business with Us

Requests for proposals and grant opportunities.

LifePath engages with vendors and subcontractors for various services.

Home Care Program Procurement

LifePath contracts with service providers who work directly with the people we serve. The Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) determines the types of services that LifePath can offer in our Home Care Program. The Home Care Program procurement process occurs every three years. Our next Request for Proposal (RFP) process will open in 2027 for contracts beginning on October 1, 2027 and effective until September 30, 2030.

EOEA is responsible for approving agencies interested in providing Homemaker/Personal Care/Supportive Home Care Aide Services. Visit 800AgeInfo for more information.

Older Americans Act Services

As the Area Agency on Aging for Franklin County and the North Quabbin, LifePath is responsible for procuring Older Americans Act services for this region. Our next Request for Proposal (RFP) process will open in April 2026 for contracts beginning on October 1, 2026 and effective until September 30, 2027 with a one-year renewal possible.

  • Title III B: Supportive services for people aged 60 and up
  • Title III D: Evidence-based programs for people aged 60 and up
  • Title III E: Caregiver services for people aged 55 and up

Church Street Home Fund Services

LifePath was selected by the Community Foundation of Western Mass to administer grants from the endowment of the former Church Street Home of Greenfield. Grant funding is available for senior centers and home repair programs. Our next Request for Proposal (RFP) process will open in April 2026 for contracts beginning on October 1, 2026 and effective until September 30, 2027, with a one-year renewal possible.

Contact us to be notified when requests for proposals are released.