Home Care Program Procurement
Request for Proposals:
LifePath Home Care Service Contracts FY 2025 – 2027
LifePath contracts with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs to administer the Home Care program and provide home and community-based services for persons 60 or older residing in our catchment area.
LifePath has a formal procurement process for the awarding of Home Care contracts. The procurement process is conducted once every three years. LifePath is currently seeking proposals from agencies for the provision of services in accordance with 651 CMR 3.00 in Franklin County and the Worcester County Towns of Athol, Phillipston, Royalston and Petersham for the following services:
Adult Day Health, Alzheimer’s/Dementia Coaching, Behavioral Health Services, Bill Payer/Representative Payee Services, Peer Support (COAPS & SOAR), Chore & Home Repair, Companion, Competency Evaluation, Emergency Shelter, Environmental Accessibility Adaptations, Evidence Based Education Programs, Financial Consultation Services, Goal Engagement Program, Grocery Shopping and Delivery, Home Delivery of Medication, Home Health Services (HHA, RN, OT, PT), Homemaker/Personal Care/Supportive Home Care Aide, Laundry Services, Medication Dispensing System, Orientation & Mobility, Personal Emergency Response Systems & EPERS, Short Term Care, Supportive Day Programs, Translation/Interpreting, Transportation, Virtual Communication and Monitoring, Vision Rehabilitation, and Wander Locator Service.
Bids from Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs), Women Business Enterprises (WBEs), Minority and Women Nonprofit Organizations (M/WNPOs), Veteran Business Enterprises (VBEs), Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises (SDVOBEs), Disability-Owned Business Enterprises (DOBEs), and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Business Enterprises (LGBTBEs) are highly encouraged. For more information please visit the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Supplier Diversity Office (SDO).
*Please note that to provide Homemaker/Personal Care/Supportive Home Care Aide services, agencies must first be approved by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) before they can apply for a contract with LifePath. Please visit the Homemaker Notice of Intent (NOI) website for application details and instructions to become an approved agency.*
An optional Bidder’s Conference/Information Session will be held virtually on Wednesday, June 26th at 10:00am. Please RSVP to Kyra DeCarlo at kdecarlo@lifepathma.org to receive a meeting invitation.
If you have any technical questions, please reach out to Kyra DeCarlo at kdecarlo@lifepathma.org or 413-773-5555 ex. 2426.
Application Instructions & Materials:
All RFP proposals will be completed and submitted electronically through LifePath’s web portal below.
Please carefully review the below instructions and use this checklist to ensure you have completed all required forms.
All applications MUST include the following documents:
- Letter of Intent
- Administrative Overview– including applicable policies & procedures
- Service-Specific Questionnaires for each service you are applying for
- Service Rate Proposals form– include each service you are applying for that doesn’t have a rate set by the EOHHS or EOEA
- Certificate of liability and workers compensation insurance
- Unit Rate Calculation Page for personal care/homemaking service (Homemaker/Personal Care agencies only)
Home Care providers are required to enroll in the MassHealth Frail Elder Waiver Program and receive a provider number, as they may provide services to consumers enrolled under Frail Elder Waiver Programs. For more information on this and for initial application documents, please click here.
Deadline for Submission of Applications:
Provider Agencies must complete all required application materials no later than 5:00pm, Friday, August 12, 2024. Please contact Rebecca Kopera, Quality Assurance & Contracts Manager, at 413.773.5555 ext 2267 or rkopera@lifepathma.org with any questions.
Award of Contracts
LifePath reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. Proposals are evaluated based on many factors including, but not limited to: demonstrated past performance, references, consumer and staff feedback, rates, completeness and quality of application packet, and current service needs. Agencies chosen to provide services will be required to enter into a written Provider Agreement with LifePath and complete the required MassHealth Frail Elder Waiver Enrollment procedure. Current LifePath providers, where LifePath is the lead ASAP, will be required to re-enroll in the MassHealth Frail Elder Waiver program. A sample copy of the Provider Agreement is available upon request. Entering into a contract with LifePath does not guarantee service. LifePath is responsible for the determination of client eligibility and level of service.
Contracts will be awarded to successful applicants from October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2027.
Service Descriptions & Important Resources:
- Approved Service Descriptions (41 MB .zip file)
- EOEA PI 97 55 Client Privacy and Confidentiality
- EOEA-PI-03-17 Elder Rights Review Committee
- PI-20-01 Home Health Services Protocol
- OIG Provider Obligation to Screen Employees
- Requirements of Prevention, Reporting and Investigation of Abuse by Homemakers and Home Health Aides under 105 CMR 155.000 EOEA PI 07-03
- Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)- PC/HM Providers