Mission, Vision, and Values

LifePath is dedicated to the well-being of older adults, individuals with disabilities, and caregivers.


LifePath is dedicated to the well-being of older adults, individuals with disabilities, and caregivers. We provide person-centered service coordination, education and support. We seek to create integrated systems of care that are culturally responsive and informed by best practices. We believe all people have a fundamental right to maintain their quality of life, dignity and independence as valued members of our communities.


LifePath aspires to support people of all cultures, ages and abilities to find their path to living and aging with dignity.

Pillars of Our Work

  1. Choice: We recognize that consumers and their loved ones know what works best for them and their situation. We listen first from a place of compassion and understanding. Then we provide options. We honor self-determination and choice.

  2. Inclusion: We welcome and value all people. Our agency is dedicated to an ongoing effort to achieve the goal of greater diversity among our employees, volunteers, vendors, consumers, and others whom we serve. As an agency, we are committed to appreciating and investing in our staff through ongoing training opportunities, schedule flexibility, and continued efforts to minimize wage gaps.

  3. Well-Being: We strive to foster healthy environments that encourage growth and learning for staff, volunteers, and consumers. We partner with individuals to build nurturing relationships and to create holistic, strength-based plans that promote the well-being of the whole person.

  4. Community: We believe we strengthen our communities by supporting all individuals . Developing strong partnerships allows us to find creative solutions, pool resources, and lift up each other.

  5. Stewardship: Through careful and responsible management, we provide quality outcomes, maintain and protect personal data integrity and financial assets. Our forward thinking approach is responsive, adaptive and aims for excellence.

  6. Social Action: As an anti-racist, advocacy agency we are compelled to take social action to create just, fair, and equitable societies that value all individuals.

Fairness and Respect for All

LifePath is committed to diversity in employment practices and service delivery. Our agency prohibits discrimination and takes affirmative action to serve people in our community with fairness and respect. We recognize that differences among people may be barriers to inclusion. These differences include race, physical appearance and ability, sex, age, language, nationality and ancestry, class, religious and political beliefs, marital status, sexual orientation, and gender identity. We welcome and value all persons, and we dedicate our agency to an ongoing effort to achieve the goal of greater diversity among our employees, clients, and others whom we serve.

Area Agency on Aging / Aging Services Access Point in Western Massachusetts

LifePath, a private, non-profit corporation, Area Agency on Aging, and Aging Services Access Point, serves all of Franklin County and Athol, Petersham, Royalston and Phillipston, Massachusetts. Some of our programs are available in Hampden, Hampshire, Berkshire, Worcester and Middlesex counties and other communities or counties in Massachusetts as opportunities become available

LifePath is funded in part by the federal Older Americans Act, Executive Office of Aging & Independence, Massachusetts Council on Aging, MassHealth Office of Long-Term Care, United Way of the Franklin and Hampshire Region, and other sources both public and private. LifePath is operated by a local volunteer board of directors, a majority of whom are, by law, older adults representing area Councils on Aging. As an AA/ EOE employer, LifePath does not discriminate in program admissions, access, services, or employment practices.