SMS Privacy Policy

LifePath is committed to maintaining the privacy and security of your personal information. This comprehensive SMS Privacy Policy outlines our practices concerning the collection, use, disclosure, and protection of your personal information through SMS communications, aligning with broader privacy practices and regulations.

Information Collection and Use 

Just as LifePath collects personal and health information to establish eligibility and deliver services, LifePath also collects certain personal information through our SMS services. This includes:

  • Mobile Phone Number: Essential for sending SMS communications.
  • Consent Records: Documentation of your opt-in and ongoing consent for SMS communications.
  • Communication Interactions: Details about your interactions with our messages, which help us tailor future communications.

Use of Information 

Your information is used for:

  • Service Notifications: Communicating important service-related information.
  • Support: Addressing inquiries and providing support.
  • Consent-Based Marketing: Sending promotional messages, only with your explicit consent, similar to how LifePath informs consumers about new benefits and services.

Disclosure and Sharing of Information 

  • Restricted Sharing: We do not share or sell your personal information with third parties without your written permission, except for essential service provision or legal requirements.
  • Health and Safety Exceptions: Information may be disclosed in emergency situations to address immediate health or safety concerns.

Consent Management

  • Informed Consent: You provide informed consent for SMS communications, which can be withdrawn at any time by texting “STOP.”
  • Rights and Access: Similarly, you have the right to access and request corrections to your information. Requests must be submitted in writing.

Security Measures 

LifePath adopts robust security practices to protect your information, including encryption, access controls, and regular audits, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your data.

Changes to the Policy 

This SMS Privacy Policy is subject to changes, which will be communicated through updates on our website and direct SMS notifications. This practice reflects LifePath’s approach to notifying clients of privacy practice changes.

Contact Information and Complaints 

If you have any concerns about how your information is handled or wish to opt-out:

  • Contact Details: You may reach out to your designated LifePath staff member or to our privacy officer via email, phone, or mail.
  • Complaints: Filing a complaint will not affect your services, and you can also contact regulatory authorities if necessary.

Acknowledgement of Receipt 

Upon opting into our SMS communications, you acknowledge receipt and understanding of these privacy practices.

Specific Restrictions 

You may specify if there are certain data uses or disclosures you wish to restrict, mirroring the personalized control offered in LifePath’s practices.