Rainbow Elders Events

Support Groups and Social Events for Older LGBTQIA+ Adults

Join us for one of our ongoing events:

Dave Gott, Rainbow Elders Group Facilitator, smiling from a computer screen facing the cameraSurviving & Thriving Through These Times: Virtual Rainbow Elders Gatherings

Connect with other LGBTQIA+ elders, friends, and providers—in the comfort of your home via Zoom (phone or computer). We chat, share support and resources, reflect upon our LGBTQIA+ experience, and connect with friends new and old.

Check the calendar for upcoming meetings

Rainbow Elders intergenerational luncheonRainbow Elders Luncheon Club

2nd Thursday of the month
12 to 2 p.m.
South County Senior Center
22 Amherst Road (Rte. 116), Sunderland

Enjoy a noontime meal with other LGBTQIA+ people 60 years of age and older. Elders can be joined for lunch by their spouse of any age, or an individual with a disability who lives in the same household as the elder.

A donation of $3 will be suggested to elders able to pay, and those under 60 will be charged a fee that will be based on the full cost of providing the meal. Additional program donations are always welcomed. The event is supported by the Older Americans Act, the MA Executive Office of Aging & Independence, and LifePath.

Check the calendar for upcoming luncheons

Newsletter and Updates

Sign up for our quarterly newsletter and weekly event invitations. It’s the best way to be a part of the Rainbow Elders.