Respite Care

Respite care provides a temporary break for you and a change of pace for your loved one.

If you are an unpaid caregiver of an older adult or person with a disability or if you are 55 or older and providing care for a relative child, you may be eligible to receive funding to pay for respite care.  You can use the funds to take a walk, spend some time away, attend a support group, or simply get some rest.

Contact us to learn more about Respite Care.

More about respite funds

Respite funds can be used to:
•Pay someone of your choice to spend time with your loved one;
•Buy a tablet, headphones, a comfort pet, or games to occupy your loved one;
•Purchase memberships to clubs, gyms, or online programs;
•Use in ways that are unique

Contact us to learn more about Respite Care.