Foot Care Enhances Postural Stability

Step Into Summer on Healthy Feet

Spring Is the Perfect Time to Assess the Health of Your Feet

How to Avoid Chilblains

Staying Hydrated From the Inside Out

Prevention Pays: Six Tips and More to Help You and Your Feet

Kate Clayton-Jones' headshot
Foot CareStories

Foot Care Enhances Postural Stability

Certain healthy habits are so ingrained that people don’t think twice about them. Daily tooth brushing, and regular visits to the doctor, dentist, and optician are built into most people’s schedules. Evidence-based foot care should also be included in everyone’s routine. Healthy, pain-free feet increase mobility, allow people to remain active, and improve balance.

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Person on a beach at sunset drinking water from a bottle
Foot CareStories

Staying Hydrated From the Inside Out

Hydration status manifests on the skin. At FootCare by Nurses, we spend time helping elders understand the importance of hydration, along with personalized strategies to do that. Hydration is not only about how much water you drink. Human bodies need the right combination of fluids and salts to function. Broth soups, lemonade, drinking milk, and

Kate Clayton-Jones at the International Symposium for the Diabetic Foot held in the Hague in May 2023, demonstrating to an individual with Type 1 diabetes the huge positive impact of securing the heel.
Foot CareStories

Prevention Pays: Six Tips and More to Help You and Your Feet

Pain, Wounds, and Falls Are Avoidable With a Little Care

Unruly nails and sore, stiff feet often contribute to pain, lack of balance, and falls. This is avoidable with care of feet. I am the founder of FootCare by Nurses, a skilled nursing agency based in Greenfield, Massachusetts, that specializes in care of feet. I and