Healthy Living 2

Healthy Living 1


Congregate Nutrition 7

Congregate Nutrition 6

Congregate Nutrition 5

Congregate Nutrition 4

Congregate Nutrition 3

Congregate Nutrition 2

Congregate Nutrition 1

General 3

General 2

Healthy Living 2

I had a very wonderful experience. It was my first time interacting with others and talking about my health. I describe my personal experiences related to all my health issues and I learn from other participants. I send my greetings and my gratitude to all members of LifePath team.

Congregate Nutrition 6

Though I only attend once a week, it helps me keep track of what day of the week it is. Otherwise. the days kind of run together. I prepare mostly soups for myself, so it is nice to have solid meals. I’ve done the meals in Bernardston and hope to do Greenfield sometime soon, though

Congregate Nutrition 4

My mother is 95 years old. I go with my husband to get her meal and also ours. We are 53 and 72. My mother looks forward two times a week to the meals. It has helped her a lot, also she doesn’t eat a lot of fast food now. The holiday gifts and surprises

Congregate Nutrition 1

The meals help add variety to our diets. They also reduce the mental strain of thinking what to prepare. They also are quick and easy when we are on the run. We are very thankful and grateful to be able to partake of the meals this program affords. I think these meals are superior to

General 2

The meal program is very helpful. The physical help provided by Donna for heavy housework, shopping, and clothes washing, recycling, etc. a big help.