AFC Caregiver Andrea Callahan and Her Son, Max, Teach Each Other

Uncle and Nephew Reunited Through “The Good Life” – Uncle is Participant in LifePath’s Adult Family Care Program

For Donna and Nathaniel, LifePath’s Adult Family Care Program Offers Options

Patrick Gardner Creates the Most Amazing Hats

Andrea and Max selfie outside with clouds as backdrop
A Caregiver's StoryAdult Family Care (AFC)Stories

AFC Caregiver Andrea Callahan and Her Son, Max, Teach Each Other

November is National Family Caregivers month, a time to:

Recognize and honor caregivers Promote caregiver well-being Advocate for caregiver-friendly policies Raise awareness to challenges caregivers face Provide resources and supports to caregivers Encourage communities and organizations to get involved

When I recently asked one of our Adult Family Care (AFC) caregivers, Andrea Callahan, what it means to her to be a caregiver,

Glen Hawthorne, inside, smiling.
Adult Family Care (AFC)Stories

Uncle and Nephew Reunited Through “The Good Life” – Uncle is Participant in LifePath’s Adult Family Care Program

Last December, an article featured Richard “Dick” Hawthorne, a 95-year-old man who has been living with his caregiver, Janice Smith, as part of the Adult Family Care program since 2006. It was a Saturday afternoon, and Glen Hawthorne was doing what he always does: reading The Good Life. He came across the article and photo

Nathaniel and Donna Marshall, sitting on a bench outside.
A Caregiver's StoryAdult Family Care (AFC)Stories

For Donna and Nathaniel, LifePath’s Adult Family Care Program Offers Options

Are you caring for an aging individual or someone with a disability? If so, we are here to offer you options. LifePath’s Adult Family Care (AFC) Program provides care for MassHealth Standard or CommonHealth (Medicaid) members who need help with some activities of daily living (ADLs and IADLs), including bathing, eating, walking, toileting, dressing, and