Three Years of Work Culminate in Launch of Age- and Dementia-Friendly Action Plan

Three Years of Work Culminate in Launch of Age- and Dementia-Friendly Action Plan

Healthy Living in Community
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An Age- and Dementia-Friendly Action Plan is a comprehensive strategy developed by a community to ensure that its infrastructure, services, and policies are designed and implemented in a way that supports and accommodates the needs of people of all ages, particularly older adults. These action plans are specifically focused on creating environments that are accessible, inclusive, and supportive for older adults, aiming to promote their health, well-being, and active participation within the community.  They are supported by the World Health Organization and AARP.

In 2020, Franklin County and the North Quabbin embarked on a collaborative process designed to support the development of an Action Plan.  Through a special grant from the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Fund overseen by HRiA, LifePath together with partner FRCOG assembled a steering committee, presented to individual towns, conducted a needs assessment, and facilitated workgroups to analyze the results. Now, the action plan is complete and ready to be released.  It will include guidance for the improvement of outdoor spaces and buildings, transportation, housing, special participation, respect and social inclusion, work and civic engagement, communication and information, and community and health services.

The development of the Action Plan involved a collaborative effort between local government officials, community organizations, businesses, and residents. The plan was developed through consultations and engagements with older adults, their families, and caregivers, along with representatives from various sectors, such as healthcare, transportation, housing, and social services. The goal is to identify key areas of improvement and implement changes that enhance the quality of life for seniors while fostering a sense of belonging and social engagement.  

LifePath and FRCOG invite the community to learn more and celebrate the launch of the action plan at the John W. Olver Transit Center, Allen Room, 12 Olive St., Greenfield, MA, 01301, Thursday, November 16, 12-2:00 PM.  Lunch will be served; please RSVP here

An Age-Friendly Action Plan is a proactive approach to address the challenges and opportunities associated with an aging population, aiming to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for people of all ages within a community. It serves as a roadmap for local organizations and municipal leaders to implement measures that promote the well-being and active participation of older adults, fostering a sense of community and belonging for all residents.  Specific organizations have been included as leads on “action items” with defined goals and outcome measures.  The next step will be implementation which may take 2-10 years to complete.  To learn more or to get involved, click here.

Lynne Feldman
Associate Executive Director |  More posts