How Long-Term Care Ombudsman Volunteers Support Residents

Someone Living in Long-Term Care Needs You

Volunteer Ombudsmen: Problem Solvers Helping Residents in Facilities

Celebrate Residents’ Rights Month!

Gary Yuhas
Long-Term Care OmbudsmanStoriesVolunteering

Volunteer Ombudsmen: Problem Solvers Helping Residents in Facilities

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Pamela Porter. Pam retired from LifePath after serving as a Home Care Program Director. She now volunteers in our Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program. Pam agreed to connect so that I could hear more about her perspective as a volunteer ombudsman advocating for long-term care residents.

Long-term care ombudsmen work

Trevor Boeding, MPH, Director, LTC Ombudsman Program/Rides for Health
Long-Term Care OmbudsmanStoriesVolunteering

Celebrate Residents’ Rights Month!

October is Residents’ Rights Month, an annual event designated by Consumer Voice to honor residents living in all long-term care facilities. It is an opportunity to focus on and celebrate the dignity and rights of every individual receiving long-term services and supports.

This year’s Residents’ Rights Month theme, Amplify Our Voices, emphasizes a community of long-term