Age My Way!

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Older Americans Month Age My Way 2022 logoOlder adults play vital, positive roles in our communities – as family members, friends, mentors, volunteers, civic leaders, members of the workforce, and more. Just as every person is unique, so too is how they age and how they choose to do it – and there is no “right” way. That’s why the theme for Older Americans Month (OAM) 2022 is Age My Way.

If you would like guidance with aging-related needs, we are here to help.

Every May, LifePath celebrates OAM, led by the Administration for Community Living. This year’s theme focuses on how older adults can age in their communities, living independently for as long as possible and participating in ways they choose.

While Age My Way will look different for each person, here are common things everyone can consider:

·     Planning: Think about what you will need and want in the future, from home and community-based services to community activities that interest you.

·     Engagement: Remain involved and contribute to your community through work, volunteer, and/or civic participation opportunities.

·     Access: Make home improvements and modifications, use assistive technologies, and customize supports to help you better age in place.

·     Connection: Maintain social activities and relationships and stay connected to your community.

If you would like guidance with aging-related needs, we are here to help.
Diverse communities are strong communities. We invite you to join us by getting involved with one of our volunteer programs, joining one of our boards or steering committees, or by joining your local Council on Aging or Village. Ensuring that older adults remain involved and included in our communities for as long as possible benefits everyone.

Lynne Feldman
Associate Executive Director |  More posts