The Stonewall Generation Listserv: News You Can Use

The Stonewall Generation Listserv: News You Can Use

Rainbow EldersStories
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LifePath’s Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Director Trevor Boeding speaks passionately about building participation in the Stonewall Generation Listserv, saying, “The Listserv is a free email service that delivers highlights of local and global LGBTQIA+ news and events into your inbox. By positioning the community front and center, the Stonewall Generation Listserv normalizes the LGBTQIA+ experience and offers a dignified and prideful vision of our community.”

The Stonewall Generation Listserv is a free email service that delivers highlights of local and global LGBTQIA+ news and events into your inbox.

The mission of the Listserv is to provide a central digest of information and opportunity for online conversation for the LGBTQIA+ adult community, service providers, caregivers, and community allies. Subscribers can add posts and/or respond to another member’s posting. For some, the Listserv might be the only opportunity to read about LGBTQIA+ news. For others, a story link can both inform and add spark to personal and professional conversations. “It’s news you can use,” says Trevor.

Considering community health and mobility issues, economic challenges, and the expanding diversity of personal identities, Trevor adds, “The Stonewall Generation Listserv is growing into a vital and vibrant online connection for those who face the challenges of aging.”

George Pappas serves on the Rainbow Elders steering committee and subscribes to the Listserv. He finds it a great resource. George explains, “The Listserv keeps me current and informed about LGBTQIA+ news from all over the world. Sometimes I see a recommendation for a film or book that catches my eye, and recently I enjoyed reading an email post that linked me to a nationwide survey that had some surprising statistics about the LGBTQIA+ population.”

LifePath’s Executive Director, Gary Yuhas, shares his perspective: “The rural nature of our area doesn’t lend itself to as many organic or chance interactions as may be possible elsewhere, and transportation can be a barrier for folks, whether they identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community or not. The Stonewall Generation Listserv could be a way for folks who may not be willing, ready, or able to connect in person to participate to the degree they feel comfortable.”

Regarding the Listserv, Gary adds, “I think it’s especially helpful as a way to learn more about the challenges and issues that those in this community may be facing, and it provides an opportunity for allyship for those who wish to enter the space in that way. As part of a whole slate of Rainbow Elders programming, the Listserv functions as one more way to connect.”

For more information about joining the Stonewall Generation Listserv, visit our Rainbow Elders webpage.

Celia Lang, Rainbow Elders Volunteer