Awareness of Scams Is Power

Spring Rejuvenation: Self-Care Steps for Hope and Well-Being

All Together Now, At Last

Meals on Wheels Celebrates 50 Years!

Celebrating International Women’s Day, March 8th

A New Year of Collaboration and Community

In Celebration of Volunteers

Seniorgram: Solidarity Statement

Seniorgram: Sending a Message on Senior Issues

A scammer wearing a hood and mask
Seniorgram: Sending a Message on Senior IssuesStories

Awareness of Scams Is Power

While it’s important for everyone to protect themselves from financial and identity scams, older adults can often be at a heightened risk. The Federal Trade Commission estimates in 2020, Americans aged 60 and older lost $602 million to fraud, scams, and financial exploitation. While many tactics used by scammers are not new, COVID-19 has created

Barbara Bodzin
Seniorgram: Sending a Message on Senior IssuesStories

Spring Rejuvenation: Self-Care Steps for Hope and Well-Being

As we emerge from winter and embrace the warm, longer days of spring and summer, it’s important to take time to reflect on your own well-being, especially when it comes to worry and stress. Many people have found themselves feeling overwhelmed by the seemingly never ending cycle of global events that weigh heavily on their

Barbara Bodzin
Seniorgram: Sending a Message on Senior IssuesStories

All Together Now, At Last

The All Together Now Festival: Celebrating LifePath’s 30th Annual Walkathon happens today. Not only do we recognize 30 years of bringing the community together in support of who LifePath serves, but let’s also recognize the gift of being “all together now.”

We have much to celebrate and reflect upon. Thinking back on previous Walkathons, what

This 1980’s newspaper clipping from The Recorder, courtesy of Jane Dion, née Stebbins, pictured on the right, shows food being prepared for 13 congregate elder meal sites at a facility on the Northfield Mount Hermon campus.
Meals on WheelsSeniorgram: Sending a Message on Senior IssuesStories

Meals on Wheels Celebrates 50 Years!

Above: This 1980’s newspaper clipping from The Recorder, courtesy of Jane Dion, née Stebbins (pictured on the right), shows food being prepared for 13 congregate elder meal sites at a facility on the Northfield Mount Hermon campus.

In March 1972, President Nixon signed into law an amendment to the Older Americans Act of 1965 to

Barbara Bodzin
Seniorgram: Sending a Message on Senior IssuesStories

Celebrating International Women’s Day, March 8th

International Women’s Day is a global holiday to celebrate the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women. The earliest recognition of a Women’s Day was in New York in 1909, and in 1910, in Germany, the International Women’s Socialist Conference proposed this be an annual event. Subsequently, celebrations and acknowledgement of a Women’s Day took

Barbara Bodzin
Seniorgram: Sending a Message on Senior IssuesStories

A New Year of Collaboration and Community

2021 was a continuation of the pandemic rollercoaster and a year in which we saw the resilience of the human spirit at its best. Continually pivoting, LifePath remained responsive thanks to dedicated staff, volunteers, and caregivers; funding from grantors; gifts from donors; leadership from our board members; support from legislators which built direct funding into

Barbara Bodzin
Diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racismSeniorgram: Sending a Message on Senior IssuesStories

Seniorgram: Solidarity Statement

LifePath lifts its voice in concert with the voices speaking out against institutionalized racism. We strive to be heard in a new way in our own community, joining others across our nation. We cannot remain silent while the evidence and terrible consequences of racism continue to amass.

Today, as leaders in our community, we acknowledge these