Is It Possible To Love One’s Job? LifePath Employees Explain Why They Do.

Is It Possible To Love One’s Job? LifePath Employees Explain Why They Do.

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On July 26, employees gathered at the LifePath offices in Greenfield to celebrate their coworkers’ milestones and enjoy some ice cream with all the fixings. When asked why she likes her job, Melissa Hatch, a ten-year LifePath veteran and Home Care Program Director said, “I have to start by giving credit to my incredible team. Each and every staff person that works in the Home Care department inspires me every day with the hard and vital work that they do. The staff are tireless advocates for our consumers during a time of extreme shortages with in-home care workers. I like working for LifePath because it’s a workplace that cares—about its consumers, caregivers, staff, volunteers, and other stakeholders. The dedication to improvement, small scale or large, internal or external, drives this passion for caring, and makes LifePath both a kind and an exciting place to work.”

Like Melissa, you deserve to love what you do and where you work. If you’re inspired by the idea of using your skills to make a positive, lasting impact through community-based services dedicated to the well-being of others, LifePath may be the perfect fit for you.

I like working for LifePath because it’s a workplace that cares—about its consumers, caregivers, staff, volunteers, and other stakeholders.

Hugh Knox (left) and Trevor Boeding (right) standing outside.
Hugh Knox (left) and Trevor Boeding (right) each celebrated 15-year milestones.

LifePath is a community-based nonprofit offering an excellent hybrid work environment and supportive company culture rooted in compassion and a collective dedication to our mission and values. According to Susan Ash, former Director of Human Resources, what makes LifePath uniquely special and a preferred place for employment is best represented in the six pillars of our work:

    • Choice: We recognize that consumers and their loved ones know what works best for them and their situation. We listen first from a place of compassion and understanding. We honor self-determination and choice.

    • Inclusion: We welcome and value all people. Our agency is dedicated to achieve the goal of greater diversity among our employees, volunteers, vendors, consumers, and all we serve. As an agency we are committed to appreciating and investing in our employees and volunteers through ongoing training opportunities, schedule flexibility, and ongoing efforts to minimize wage gaps.

  • Well-being: We foster healthy environments that encourage growth and learning for employees, volunteers, and consumers. We partner with individuals to build nurturing relationships and to create holistic, strength-based plans that promote the well-being of the whole person.

  • Community: We believe we strengthen our communities by supporting all individuals. Developing strong partnerships allows us to find creative solutions, pool resources, and lift each other up.

  • Stewardship: Through careful and responsible management, we provide quality outcomes, and maintain and protect personal data integrity and financial assets. Our forward-thinking approach is responsive, adaptive, and aims for excellence.

  • Social Action: As an anti-racist, advocacy agency we are compelled to take social action to create just, fair, and equitable societies that value all individuals.

“It’s such a good feeling to be part of such an agency. The people that work here really care about the work they do. My co-workers also play a huge part. They are some of the most caring, adaptable, and fun people you will ever meet,” said Darlene Nutter, Congregate and Home Delivered Meals Coordinator, who is celebrating her fifteen-year milestone.

Jennifer Melnick, M.Ed., M.S., who was honored for her five years of  work in Elder Protective Services, said, “I appreciate the opportunity to live out my ethics and values around social justice. People deserve to have their basic needs met and to live free of abuse. My position is uniquely focused on self-determination and choice and I love that I can help older adults find their voice and amplify it.”

(Left to right) Diane Robie, Carol Foote, Holly Holloway, and Danielle Boyd standing outside in front of our brick office.
(Left to right) Diane Robie, Carol Foote, Holly Holloway, and Danielle Boyd were each recognized for 5 years of service.

Diane Robie, the Director of Client Services, who celebrated her five-year milestone, said, “I work with an extraordinary team of individuals who embody the true essences of caring and compassion. They bring unwavering commitment to those we serve and can be staunch advocates when need be. They brighten days with their smiles and kind words even in the toughest of situations. Our staff are the heart and soul of LifePath. Their efforts reverberate through the community, making us who we are.”

LifePath’s Executive Director, Gary Yuhas, MBA, added, “As someone who is still new at LifePath, something that continually strikes me is the kind and welcoming nature of many LifePath team members. Folks are very giving of their time, knowledge, ideas, and opinions. The efforts folks make to help others are obvious and tangible. There is a sense that we are all in this together.”

LifePath provides an outstanding total wellness benefits package. We honor and understand employee needs for work-life balance and provide flexible scheduling options and generous paid time off. Additionally, we are an affirmative-action and equal-opportunity employer deeply committed to anti-racism and the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion.  And, occasionally, we also have ice cream parties!

For current job opportunities, visit our Job Opportunities page