The Backbone of LifePath’s Annual Walkathon

Are You Like Jeff?

The Athol Women’s Club and the Boardwalkers Share Reasons for Walking: What Will Your Reasons Be?

Help Your Neighbors: Volunteer for LifePath

Older Adults and Balance Problems

Nutrition Notes: Eating for the Health of the Earth and Future Generations

Meet Gary Yuhas, LifePath’s New Executive Director

Do You Have Pep In Your Step Yet?

The Path for Life Walkathon: How will you step into the years to come?

Aging Baby Boomers Emphasize Need for Home-Based Care

High Blood Pressure and Older Adults

Villages are Thriving Thanks to Resident Effort and Ingenuity

The Good Life Blog

Elderly hand holding a younger hand

Help Your Neighbors: Volunteer for LifePath

April is National Volunteer Month!

This past year between staff and volunteers, LifePath supported over 5,000 individuals and families in our communities. LifePath is dedicated to the well-being of older adults, individuals with disabilities, and caregivers. Every day, our teams seek to create integrated systems of care that are culturally responsive and informed by best practice.