Locally, A United Front in Support of Meals on Wheels
On Tuesday, January 28, we welcomed some special guests to tour the Meals on Wheels kitchen in Erving, MA. State Senator Jo Comerford and her District Director, Elena Cohen, along with State Rep. Susannah Whipps, joined state government officials Secretary Robin Lipson of

Children and Elders Create Handmade Valentine’s Cards for Meals on Wheels Recipients
Children from Buckland Shelburne Elementary School, Northfield Elementary School, Petersham Montessori School, Shutesbury Elementary, Four Corners School, The Learning Knoll, and Petersham Center School, along with residents of the assisted living community Arbors at Greenfield, created more than 500 beautiful cards for delivery to LifePath Meals on Wheels recipients on Valentine’s Day.
Charlie Cornish, LifePath’s Home

My Thirty Years with Meals on Wheels
I became a Meals on Wheels (MOW) driver in the spring of 1994. (This spring will be 30 years!) Prior to this time, I had left work with a for-profit company that I had been with for 13 years. I had left because my husband’s parents needed daily help in the home and I felt

A Huge Thanks to Montague Lodge of Elks #2521!
On Monday, January 29, LifePath was visited by Judy and Steve Dacyczyn. Judy and Steve are both former Exalted Rulers at the Montague Lodge of Elks #2521, and they know how important the nutritious meals and wellness checks from LifePath’s Meals on Wheels program can be to those in their community. Through a competitive grant-writing

Take Flight at Northfield Mount Hermon’s Free Concert, While Supporting Meals on Wheels!
For the twentieth year, the Northfield Mount Hermon Instrumental Ensembles will again host a benefit concert for LifePath’s Meals on Wheels program. The concert is scheduled for Sunday, February 18th, at 3 p.m., on the beautiful Northfield Mount Hermon campus in the Rhodes Arts Center, at 1 Lamplighter Way, Gill, MA. The concert is free
Subaru “Share the Love” Program
Over the past 15 years, Subaru and its retailers have partnered with Meals on Wheels America to enable the delivery of more than 4.3 million meals and friendly visits to older adults served by the Meals on Wheels programs.
Over the last 5 years, LifePath has earned more than $24,000 by participating in the Subaru Share

Volunteer Drivers Deliver Meals and Wellness Checks, Help People in Crisis
I am writing hoping you are all well and that those affected by recent weather devastation are rebounding. The storms in the last two months have led to deaths in Pennsylvania and New York, and property damage across Western Massachusetts and surrounding areas. For many, the storms may have brought up trauma from Tropical Storm

LifePath Receives Grant from Meals on Wheels America with Support from The Home Depot Foundation for Aging Veterans Home Repairs
Meals on Wheels America announces that The Home Depot Foundation has committed $2.53 million to support expansion of Helping Homebound Heroes, a program that provides home repairs and modifications for aging veterans. This increase in funding will enable Helping Homebound Heroes to double its geographic reach, from eight to 16 markets across the country.
“We are

Meals on Wheels Celebrates 50 Years!
Above: This 1980’s newspaper clipping from The Recorder, courtesy of Jane Dion, née Stebbins (pictured on the right), shows food being prepared for 13 congregate elder meal sites at a facility on the Northfield Mount Hermon campus.
In March 1972, President Nixon signed into law an amendment to the Older Americans Act of 1965 to

An Outpouring of Love for Meals on Wheels Recipients
LifePath received offerings of love for our Meals on Wheels recipients by way of more than 500 Valentine cards. The cards evoke what is special about commemorating Valentine’s Day—the chance to show love, receive love, and remember love.
Students at Northfield Elementary School showed their understanding as they answered questions regarding their card making. Here

Remembering Michael “Mike” Gilbert, A Dedicated Meals on Wheels Driver
Above: Michael Gilbert, center, taken a few years ago at the kitchen. He’s pictured with Ann DeJackome, left, and Betty Mattern, right.
“Mike did Meals on Wheels and loved every single one of his clients. He was very involved in their health and well-being and loved them a lot. He liked everyone he worked with,” says