Do We Live in a ‘Color-Blind’ Society? Should We?
The United States has an extensive history of institutionalized racism including the uprooting of Native Americans, the Atlantic slave trade, Jim Crow laws, the internment of Japanese-American citizens, redlining, and much more. When the history of the civil rights movement is taught in schools, that unit often ends with

Seniorgram: Solidarity Statement
LifePath lifts its voice in concert with the voices speaking out against institutionalized racism. We strive to be heard in a new way in our own community, joining others across our nation. We cannot remain silent while the evidence and terrible consequences of racism continue to amass.
Today, as leaders in our community, we acknowledge these
Say Yes To Life
Many of us have fears about growing older: the potential of losing friends and family; cognitive decline; losing our abilities to do some of the things we love; living with chronic conditions; and giving up freedoms we have grown accustomed to. And since the coronavirus has been more deadly for those of us with underlying
Legal Notes: Foreign Lottery Scams
Recently, an investigative reporter interviewed a retired school principal who was a victim of a Jamaican lottery scam. Over time, she gave about $27,000 to the scammer. Other victims of these scams lost their entire life savings. The scam begins with a telephone call mailing or informing the victim that they have won a large

LifePath Steps In To Provide PCA Services to 600 Individuals
LifePath has expanded their Personal Care Attendant (PCA) program further east into Worcester County. This expansion is in response to Montachusett Home Care opting to terminate their PCA Program this year, along with MassHealth not awarding contracts to five other Personal Care Management Agencies (PCMs) during the recent contract procurement process.
3,915 PCA consumers across the

Do You Qualify for the Senior Circuit Breaker Tax Credit?
As a person aged 65 or older, you may be eligible to claim a refundable credit on your personal state income tax return. The Circuit Breaker tax credit is based on the actual real estate taxes paid on the Massachusetts residential property you own or rent and occupy as your principal residence.
If you are eligible
Scam Alert!
Scams come in many variations. The stories might sound different but the motive is the same…to steal your money!
Never wire or send money to someone you don’t know Never buy gift cards to pay bills or taxes Never wire money, send gift cards, or mail cash Never wire money, send gift cards, or mail cash to claim a
How to Offer Support when a Loved One is Diagnosed with Cancer
World Cancer Day is an international day marked on February 4 to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment. Having cancer patients be a part of the process from the beginning will help them address their overall needs physically, emotionally and socially. Having a supportive caregiver to get through the
Social Security Scam
Social Security Scam
Your phone rings. The caller ID says it’s the Social Security Administration. The person on the line says there’s a problem and you need to tell him your Social Security number – or else…
What Do You Do?
Never give personal information to unsolicited callers. Social Security will never call you asking for your Social Security
Beware of the Grandparent Scam
Beware of the Grandparent Scam, in which scam artists pose as your grandchild in trouble.
They pretend to be your grandchild calling in the middle of the night; They tell you they are in some sort of trouble; They plead with you to keep it a secret, not to tell their parents; They will often have a second person
The Erving Senior Community Center Offers a Little Bit of Everything
Do you want a massage once a month or a place to drop by and play pool? How about access to nine different exercise programs each week including chair yoga, line dancing, aerobics, stretching and balance, and “fun bowling?” Or transportation to shopping, meals, and medical appointments? The Erving Senior Community Center offers this and

Grandparents Raising Their Grandchildren
I have been involved with the “Grandparents’ Group” hosted by Valuing Our Children in Athol, Massachusetts for approximately a year and a half now. My affiliation with these fine people began in March of 2018 when I was called upon to take custody of my two granddaughters due to my daughter’s troubles with opiate abuse: