Nutrition Notes: Wild Food Foraging
Consider a spring dinner that starts with an appetizer of black locust flower fritters, followed by a dandelion and violet leaf salad sprinkled with violet flowers, pasta with garlic mustard pesto and boiled fiddleheads, wild leek and stinging nettle miso soup on the side, and a crisp of knotweed and wild blueberries for dessert. Creating

Education Isn’t Enough
The Healthy Living Department at LifePath serves people who are trying to make changes to improve their chronic condition. We must try to manage weight, avoid foods that make our conditions worse, figure out how to exercise, how to advocate for medical care, etc. Making these changes can be harder for some of us than

Step Into Summer on Healthy Feet
It should go without saying that men need foot care as much as women do, but it is sometimes harder to convince them. Most women have some history of foot care, like a spa pedicure, and it isn’t a great leap for them to embrace more comprehensive evidence-based footcare, especially as they get older or

Connection takes time and effort, but the rewards can be limitless.
Established in 1963, Older Americans Month (OAM) is celebrated every May. Led by a federal agency, the Administration for Community Living (ACL), OAM is a time to recognize older Americans’ contributions, highlight aging trends, and reaffirm commitments to serving the older adults in our communities.
This year’s theme, “Powered by Connection,” focuses on the profound impact

Money Management Volunteers Kelly Gagnon and Ken Heider Love Seeing the Numbers Come Together for Their Clients
The Massachusetts Money Management Program (MMMP) has been helping adults over 60, and adults living with a disability, maintain their independence for 32 years. Without the program, many individuals would face food insecurity, financial exploitation, eviction, and premature institutionalization.
“LifePath’s Money Management program promotes and prolongs independent living for individuals over 60 who are at risk

Aching Feet and a Full Heart
One of my first volunteering experiences as a young adult was with “The Meatloaf Kitchen,” an all-volunteer organization that serves people experiencing homelessness in New York City. The place was infused with the familiar, homey aroma of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and cooked vegetables, juxtaposed into a setting that was entirely new to me—seeing people who

Older Americans Act Reauthorization and Funding
In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson enacted the Older Americans Act (OAA) to cater to the evolving needs of aging citizens. This legislation established a network of Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), totaling 614 nationwide, empowered to allocate resources based on localized assessments of elder and caregiver needs. In Franklin County and the North Quabbin region,

How LifePath’s Information and Caregiver Resource Center Can Help
The Information and Caregiver Resource Center (ICRC), known as the hub of the agency, has expanded the assistance available to help individuals find the resources they need to live independently and thrive in their communities.
Information and Referral
It all starts with a phone call or email inquiry to one of our Resource Consultants, who are