Mark Devlin Appointed LifePath’s Home Safety Program Director as Part of $1,000,000 HUD Grant

A New Year of Collaboration and Community

Legal Notes: Life Estate Deeds and Insurance Coverage

Recognizing the Need to Make Our Region More Age-Friendly

Remembering Michael “Mike” Gilbert, A Dedicated Meals on Wheels Driver

In Celebration of Volunteers

Legal Notes: Lessons Learned From Audrey Hepburn’s Sons’ Dispute Over Her Estate

LifePath’s New Initiative Aims to Make Our Communities More Age-Friendly

Do We Live in a ‘Color-Blind’ Society? Should We?

Seniorgram: Solidarity Statement

Say Yes To Life

Legal Notes: Foreign Lottery Scams

The Good Life Blog

Homeowner Nila Patterson, standing by her new shelf where she can place her belongings while unlocking her door.

Mark Devlin Appointed LifePath’s Home Safety Program Director as Part of $1,000,000 HUD Grant

Community Action Pioneer Valley, in partnership with LifePath, has been awarded a $1,000,000 federal grant by the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) with the goal of giving qualifying lower-income older adult homeowners the option to safely age-in-place. This grant covers the cost of licensed occupational therapists to perform home safety

Barbara Bodzin
Seniorgram: Sending a Message on Senior IssuesStories

A New Year of Collaboration and Community

2021 was a continuation of the pandemic rollercoaster and a year in which we saw the resilience of the human spirit at its best. Continually pivoting, LifePath remained responsive thanks to dedicated staff, volunteers, and caregivers; funding from grantors; gifts from donors; leadership from our board members; support from legislators which built direct funding into


Recognizing the Need to Make Our Region More Age-Friendly

This October marks one year since the launch of LifePath’s Age- and Dementia-Friendly Communities Project in Franklin County and the North Quabbin. This initiative, which is based on the age-friendly community model created by the World Health Organization and administered in the United States by AARP, seeks to help make our communities more aware and

Nour Elkhattaby Strauch

LifePath’s New Initiative Aims to Make Our Communities More Age-Friendly

LifePath is embarking on an exciting new initiative with the aim of making communities in Franklin County and the North Quabbin region more age-friendly. Unlike many of our direct service programs, this project will target long term, policy and systems level change to both the built environment and the social environment. So, what does it

Barbara Bodzin
Diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racismSeniorgram: Sending a Message on Senior IssuesStories

Seniorgram: Solidarity Statement

LifePath lifts its voice in concert with the voices speaking out against institutionalized racism. We strive to be heard in a new way in our own community, joining others across our nation. We cannot remain silent while the evidence and terrible consequences of racism continue to amass.

Today, as leaders in our community, we acknowledge these